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              來源: 浙江理工大學紹興生物醫藥研究院




                  何玉龍,博士,副教授,2003年畢業于內蒙古民族大學動物科技學院動物醫學專業。同年考入西北農林科技大學動物醫學院攻讀碩士學位。2005年9月,被西北農林科技大學提前推薦為直博研究生,師從著名動物克隆專家張涌教授,博士在讀期間主要從事動物克隆及轉基因方面的研究;2008.12-2010.09期間以訪問學者身份在美國德州大學健康科學中心(University of Texas health science center at San Antonio)進行衰老和細胞信號轉導方面的研究,2011年6月獲西北農林科技大學發育生物學博士學位。同年7月進入寧夏大學西部特色生物資源保護與利用教育部重點實驗室工作,2012年9月榮獲寧夏回族自治區“全職引進優秀博士”稱號。2014年9月晉升為副教授,2015年6月評為碩士研究生導師。2016年3月調入浙江理工大學生命科學與醫藥學院工作。累積發表學術論文40余篇,其中以包括以第一作者或通訊作者在Ageing Research Reviews(醫學1區TOP期刊)、Molecular biology reports、Theriogenology、Research in Veterinary Science、International Journal of Molecular Sciences、Protein & Peptide Letters、Stem Cell Research & Therapy和International Journal of Molecular Medicine等SCI收錄期刊發表學術論文10余篇。主持結題國家自然科學基金項目1項(項目編號:31460585)、浙江省公益技術應用研究項目1項(項目編號:2017C32049)、寧夏自治區自然科學基金項目1項(項目編號:NZ12105),寧夏自治區留學回國人員創新創業項目1項(批準文號:寧人社函〔2014〕486號)及企業委托橫向課題3項。另外,以主要參加人或學術骨干參加國家“973”計劃項目子課題(項目編號:2012CB518801)和“973”前期研究專項各1項(項目編號:2012CB126301)、國家自然科學基金5項(項目編號分別為:31201867、31260624、31260035、31460039和31472191)。主講本科生《免疫學》、《生物制品學》和《生物制藥工藝學》等多門課程。參與編寫高等教育出版社出版的《免疫學原理與技術》教材1部。


          1、Yulong He, Yuehong Wu, Anuja Mishra, Victor Acha, Thomas Andrews, Peter J. Hornsby. Biosensor technology in aging research and age-related diseases. Ageing Research Reviews. 2012,11(1):1-9(醫學一區,IF=10.39)(SCI)

          2、Yulong He, Yuehong Wu, Zhigang Lan, Yonggang Liu, Yong Zhang. Molecular analysis of the first intron in the bovine myostatin gene, Molecular biology reports. 2011,38(7):4643-9. ((SCI)

          3. Yulong He, Yuehong Wu, Xiaoning He, Fengjun Liu, Xiaoying He, Yong Zhang. An immortalized goat mammary epithelial cell line induced with human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene transfer, Theriogenology. 2009,71(9):1417-24.(SCI)

          4. Yulong He, Yuehong Wu, Fusheng Quan, Yonggang Liu, Yong Zhang. Comparative analysis of sequence of myostatin gene and promoter in Qinchuan and Red Angus cattle. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2013,12(3):3398-3406. (SCI)

          5. Yuehong Wu, Jianhong Shu, Chengwen He, Min Li, Yujiong Wang, Wenbin Ou, Yulong He(通訊作者). ROCK inhibitor Y27632 promotes proliferation and diminishes apoptosis of marmoset iPS cells by suppressing expression and activity of Caspase-3. Theriogenology. 2016, 85(2):302-314. (SCI)

          6. Danping Hong, Jiongyan Ding, Ouyang Li, Quan He, Minxia Ke, Mengyi Zhu, Lili Liu, Wen-Bin Ou, Yulong He(通訊作者) and Yuehong Wu. Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived macrophages and their immunological function in response to tuberculosis infection. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2018, 9(1):49. (SCI)

          7. Minxia Ke, Quan He, Danping Hong, Ouyang Li, Mengyi  Zhu, Wen?Bin Ou, Yulong He(通訊作者) , Yuehong Wu. Leukemia inhibitory factor regulates marmoset induced pluripotent stem cell proliferation via a PI3K/?Akt?dependent Tbx?3 activation pathway. International Journal of  Molecular Medicine, 2018, 42(1):131-140. (SCI)

          8. Yi Yang, Xiaokang Liu, Ting Wu, Wenping Zhang, Jianhong Shu, Yulong He(通訊作者), Shao-Jun Tang.  Quercetin attenuates AZT-induced neuroinflammation in the CNS. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):6194. (SCI)

          9. Yu Tao, Jianhong Shu, Jian Chen, Yuehong Wu, Yulong He(通訊作者). A concise review of vaccines against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Research in Veterinary Science, 2019,123:144-152. (SCI)

          10. Rui Yang, Yu Tao, Gaojian Li, Jian Chen, Jianhong Shu and Yulong He(通訊作者). Immunoenhancement of recombinant Neisseria meningitides PorB protein on porcine circovirus type 2 and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae genetically engineered vaccines. Protein & Peptide Letters, 2019, 26(10): 776 - 784.

          11. Yu Tao, Gaojian Li, Wenqian Zheng, Jianhong Shu, Jian Chen, Fang Yang, Yuehong Wu, and Yulong He(通訊作者). Development of a Combined Genetic Engineering Vaccine for Porcine Circovirus Type 2 and Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae by a Baculovirus Expression System. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019, 20, 4425.


          1. 何玉龍, 陶宇, 舒建洪, 陳健, 吳月紅, 楊芳. 豬支原體肺炎和豬圓環病毒2型重組蛋白及制備二聯疫苗. 申請號:201811179696.3.

          2. 何玉龍, 陶宇, 舒建洪, 陳健, 楊芳, 童夏霞, 盛敏成. 豬支原體肺炎和豬圓環病毒二聯基因工程疫苗制備方法. 申請號:201910200702.7.







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